Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry Issues Research Articles in Aug. 2, 2023 Edition
August 03, 2023
August 03, 2023
WASHINGTON, Aug. 3 -- Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, a peer-reviewed journal from the American Chemical Society, published research articles, including the following topics, in its Aug. 2, 2023 edition:
Short Communications:
* Simultaneous Ion Swarm Profiling and Ion Mobility Measurement using Ion Cameras
* Global Neuropeptidome Profiling in Response to Predator Stress in Rat: Implications for Post-Traumatic . . .
Short Communications:
* Simultaneous Ion Swarm Profiling and Ion Mobility Measurement using Ion Cameras
* Global Neuropeptidome Profiling in Response to Predator Stress in Rat: Implications for Post-Traumatic . . .