University of Arizona's Health Sciences: Can Prehabilitation Improve Inflammatory Biomarkers in American Indian Cancer Patients?
July 21, 2023
July 21, 2023
TUCSON, Arizona, July 21 (TNSfund) -- The University of Arizona's Health Sciences issued the following news release:
A University of Arizona Cancer Center researcher was awarded a $1.3 million grant from the National Cancer Institute to study the effectiveness of lifestyle interventions in American Indian patients with obesity-related solid tumor cancers who are preparing for surgery.
According to principal investigator Jennifer Erdrich, MD, MPH, there are 13 cancer sub . . .
A University of Arizona Cancer Center researcher was awarded a $1.3 million grant from the National Cancer Institute to study the effectiveness of lifestyle interventions in American Indian patients with obesity-related solid tumor cancers who are preparing for surgery.
According to principal investigator Jennifer Erdrich, MD, MPH, there are 13 cancer sub . . .