Grand Valley State University: Seidman Survey - West Michigan Economic Signals Remain Positive Despite Headwinds
July 12, 2023
July 12, 2023
ALLENDALE, Michigan, July 12 (TNSrpt) -- Grand Valley State University issued the following news:
There's no sign of recession - at least, not yet.
That's the conclusion of the June survey of West Michigan manufacturers, which showed a slowdown, but mostly positive signals despite expectations around the country of an economic slump.
"Even though our local survey of business conditions is still positive, at the national level both of the majo . . .
There's no sign of recession - at least, not yet.
That's the conclusion of the June survey of West Michigan manufacturers, which showed a slowdown, but mostly positive signals despite expectations around the country of an economic slump.
"Even though our local survey of business conditions is still positive, at the national level both of the majo . . .