Congressional Research Service: 'Servicemembers Civil Relief Act - Section-by-Section Summary' (Part 1 of 3)
June 07, 2023
June 07, 2023
WASHINGTON, June 7 -- The Congressional Research Service issued the following report (No. R45283) on June 5, 2023, entitled "The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act: Section-by-Section Summary" by legislative attorney Jennifer K. Elsea:
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Congress enacted the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) in 2003 in response to the increased deployment of Reserve and National Guard military and as a modernization and restatement of the protections . . .
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Congress enacted the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) in 2003 in response to the increased deployment of Reserve and National Guard military and as a modernization and restatement of the protections . . .