Transfusion Issues Research Articles in May 2023 Supplement Edition
June 01, 2023
June 01, 2023
HOBOKEN, New Jersey, June 1 -- Transfusion, a peer-reviewed journal that says it features transfusion medicine, published research articles on the following topics in its May 2023 supplement edition:
* Adopting a culture of remote damage control resuscitation in the military: Insights from the Israel defense forces decade of experience
* Cryoprecipitate for the treatment of life-threatening hemorrhage in children
* Epsilon aminocaproic acid is associated wi . . .
* Adopting a culture of remote damage control resuscitation in the military: Insights from the Israel defense forces decade of experience
* Cryoprecipitate for the treatment of life-threatening hemorrhage in children
* Epsilon aminocaproic acid is associated wi . . .