Transfusion Issues Research Articles in April 2023 Edition
April 24, 2023
April 24, 2023
HOBOKEN, New Jersey, April 24 -- Transfusion, a peer-reviewed journal that says it features transfusion medicine, published research articles, including the following topics, in its April 2023 edition:
* Absence of detectable monkeypox virus DNA in 11,000 English blood donations during the 2022 outbreak
* Antigen copy number and antibody dose can determine the outcome of erythrocyte alloimmunization inducing either antibody-mediated immune su . . .
* Absence of detectable monkeypox virus DNA in 11,000 English blood donations during the 2022 outbreak
* Antigen copy number and antibody dose can determine the outcome of erythrocyte alloimmunization inducing either antibody-mediated immune su . . .