IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems Issues Research Articles in February 2023 Edition
April 08, 2023
April 08, 2023
PISCATAWAY, New Jersey, April 8 -- IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, a peer-reviewed journal from the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society that says it emphasizes on microelectronic issues in a wide range of applications found in life sciences, physical sciences and engineering, posted research articles on the following topics in its February 2023 edition:
* 2.2 nW Analog Electrocardiogram Processor Based on Stochastic Resonance Achieving a 99.94% QRS Complex Detect . . .
* 2.2 nW Analog Electrocardiogram Processor Based on Stochastic Resonance Achieving a 99.94% QRS Complex Detect . . .