Grand Valley State University: Gov. Whitmer Visits Campus To Speak At Automotive Suppliers Symposium
March 10, 2023
March 10, 2023
ALLENDALE, Michigan, March 10 (TNSpconf) -- Grand Valley State University issued the following news:
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer visited Grand Valley March 9, speaking to business leaders who had gathered for the 24th Michigan Automotive Suppliers Symposium.
Touting investments in job training programs and support for next-generation vehicle technologies, Whitmer told the crowd of about 170 gathered at the Pew Grand Rapids Campus' Loosemore Auditorium she was there to ta . . .
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer visited Grand Valley March 9, speaking to business leaders who had gathered for the 24th Michigan Automotive Suppliers Symposium.
Touting investments in job training programs and support for next-generation vehicle technologies, Whitmer told the crowd of about 170 gathered at the Pew Grand Rapids Campus' Loosemore Auditorium she was there to ta . . .