Art Exhibitions Get Complicated: When An American Museum Borrows Art From Abroad, Can A Putative Owner Sue In U.S. Court To Claim The Piece?
March 10, 2023
March 10, 2023
BOSTON, Massachusetts, March 10 -- Foley Hoag, a law firm, issued the following news:
As we walk through art museums, admiring the paintings, sculptures, and artifacts, we (sometimes) read the little cards that explain each piece and identify who donated or loaned it to the museum. We might not pay much attention to that information, but litigation could be lurking in those cards. When an American museum imports works of art or cultural heritage to display temporarily, can someone w . . .
As we walk through art museums, admiring the paintings, sculptures, and artifacts, we (sometimes) read the little cards that explain each piece and identify who donated or loaned it to the museum. We might not pay much attention to that information, but litigation could be lurking in those cards. When an American museum imports works of art or cultural heritage to display temporarily, can someone w . . .