MSU Experiment Explains Mansplaining And Its Impact
March 07, 2023
March 07, 2023
EAST LANSING, Michigan, March 7 (TNSjou) -- Michigan State University issued the following news:
Mansplaining - the combination of "man" and "explaining" - is a colloquial expression used to describe situations in which a man provides a condescending explanation of something to someone who already understands it. And a new study reveals that its negative impact on women is very real.
Caitlin Briggs, a graduate research fellow at Michigan State Unive . . .
Mansplaining - the combination of "man" and "explaining" - is a colloquial expression used to describe situations in which a man provides a condescending explanation of something to someone who already understands it. And a new study reveals that its negative impact on women is very real.
Caitlin Briggs, a graduate research fellow at Michigan State Unive . . .