"The New Anarchy" - In The Atlantic's Cover Story, Adrienne LaFrance Reports That America Is Facing An Extremist Violence It Does Not Know How To Stop
March 07, 2023
March 07, 2023
WASHINGTON, March 7 -- The Atlantic issued the following news release on March 6, 2023:
In "The New Anarchy," a sweeping new cover story for the April issue of The Atlantic, executive editor Adrienne LaFrance draws upon years of reporting to argue that America is experiencing an era of increased acts of violence intended to achieve political goals, whether driven by ideological vision or by delusions and hatred.
Examples can be drawn from the headlines on almo . . .
In "The New Anarchy," a sweeping new cover story for the April issue of The Atlantic, executive editor Adrienne LaFrance draws upon years of reporting to argue that America is experiencing an era of increased acts of violence intended to achieve political goals, whether driven by ideological vision or by delusions and hatred.
Examples can be drawn from the headlines on almo . . .