Congressional Research Service Issues In Focus White Paper on Expiration and Cancellation of Unobligated Funds
February 16, 2023
February 16, 2023
WASHINGTON, Feb. 16 -- The Congressional Research Service issued the following In Focus white paper on the expiration and cancellation of unobligated funds (No. IF12329) on Feb. 15, 2023, by Taylor N. Riccard, government organization and management analyst.
Here are excerpts:
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Expiration and Cancellation of Unobligated Funds
Unless Congress chooses to intervene, appropriated funds that have not been obligated may expire and be cancelled ac . . .
Here are excerpts:
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Expiration and Cancellation of Unobligated Funds
Unless Congress chooses to intervene, appropriated funds that have not been obligated may expire and be cancelled ac . . .