Sloan Foundation Awards Early-Career Fellowships To Two Brown Faculty Members
February 16, 2023
February 16, 2023
PROVIDENCE, Rhode Island, Feb. 16 (TNSjou) -- Brown University issued the following news release:
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Two assistant professors at Brown, in economics and physics, were among 126 scholars to receive the prestigious fellowships from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation this year.
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The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation has awarded two Brown University faculty members, an economist and a physicist, with 2023 research fellowships.
Peter Hull, . . .
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Two assistant professors at Brown, in economics and physics, were among 126 scholars to receive the prestigious fellowships from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation this year.
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The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation has awarded two Brown University faculty members, an economist and a physicist, with 2023 research fellowships.
Peter Hull, . . .