DEM Announces it will Increase the Use of Prescribed Burns in 2023 to Help Restore Native Ecosystems Overrun by Invasive Plants, Protect Rural Property from Wildfires
February 04, 2023
February 04, 2023
PROVIDENCE, Rhode Island, Feb. 4 -- The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management issued the following news release on Feb. 3, 2023:
The Department of Environmental Management (DEM) today is announcing a strategy of increasing the use of low-severity prescribed burns in several areas of Rhode Island to reduce the buildup of combustible materials on forest floors and grasslands - thus minimizing the risk of high-severity, unplanned, destructive wildfires. In 2022, which was . . .
The Department of Environmental Management (DEM) today is announcing a strategy of increasing the use of low-severity prescribed burns in several areas of Rhode Island to reduce the buildup of combustible materials on forest floors and grasslands - thus minimizing the risk of high-severity, unplanned, destructive wildfires. In 2022, which was . . .