Congressional Research Service: '15% Corporate Alternative Minimum Tax' (Part 1 of 2)
January 28, 2023
January 28, 2023
WASHINGTON, Jan. 28 -- The Congressional Research Service issued the following In report (No. R47328) on Jan. 19, 2023, entitled "The 15% Corporate Alternative Minimum Tax" by Economic Policy Senior Specialist Jane G. Gravelle.
Here are excerpts:
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The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (P.L. 117-169) imposes a corporate alternative minimum tax (CAMT) of 15% on the adjusted financial statement income of large corporations. Co . . .
Here are excerpts:
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The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (P.L. 117-169) imposes a corporate alternative minimum tax (CAMT) of 15% on the adjusted financial statement income of large corporations. Co . . .