University of Michigan: Michigan Local Government Officials - Public Employee Workforce Wages Increasing, Room For Improvement
January 26, 2023
January 26, 2023
ANN ARBOR, Michigan, Jan. 26 (TNSrpt) -- The University of Michigan issued the following news release:
Michigan's local governments report a long trend of increasing employee pay, but a third of local leaders say wages are still too low.
The issue is relevant for their finances, as 92% of Michigan local governments report having some type of paid employees beyond their elected officials.
The insights come from the spring 2022 Michigan Public Policy Sur . . .
Michigan's local governments report a long trend of increasing employee pay, but a third of local leaders say wages are still too low.
The issue is relevant for their finances, as 92% of Michigan local governments report having some type of paid employees beyond their elected officials.
The insights come from the spring 2022 Michigan Public Policy Sur . . .