Governor Daniel J. McKee's 2023 State of the State Address
January 18, 2023
January 18, 2023
PROVIDENCE, Rhode Island, Jan. 18 -- Gov. Daniel J. McKee, D-Rhode Island, issued the following remarks on Jan. 17, 2023, on State of the State Address:
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As Prepared for Delivery
Mister Speaker, Mister President, distinguished members of the Assembly, members of our Congressional Delegation, General Officers, Chief Justice and members of the Judiciary, municipal leaders, members of my cabinet and Rhode Islanders watching at home - good evening.
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As Prepared for Delivery
Mister Speaker, Mister President, distinguished members of the Assembly, members of our Congressional Delegation, General Officers, Chief Justice and members of the Judiciary, municipal leaders, members of my cabinet and Rhode Islanders watching at home - good evening.
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