URI Entomologist Wins $2.6 Million NIH Grant To Study Evolution Of Lyme Disease Bacteria In Deer Ticks
December 08, 2022
December 08, 2022
KINGSTON, Rhode Island, Dec. 8 (TNSfund) -- The University of Rhode Island issued the following news:
University of Rhode Island entomologist Jannelle Couret is tipping the way we understand the bacteria that causes Lyme disease. Instead of looking at it from the human perspective, she and an interdisciplinary team of researchers are taking the view of the tick.
While the bacteria - Borrelia burgdorferi - is the pathogen that causes Lyme disease in humans, its presence . . .
University of Rhode Island entomologist Jannelle Couret is tipping the way we understand the bacteria that causes Lyme disease. Instead of looking at it from the human perspective, she and an interdisciplinary team of researchers are taking the view of the tick.
While the bacteria - Borrelia burgdorferi - is the pathogen that causes Lyme disease in humans, its presence . . .