MSU Researcher's Expertise, Energy And Empathy Leave A Legacy
December 02, 2022
December 02, 2022
EAST LANSING, Michigan, Dec. 2 (TNSjou) -- Michigan State University issued the following news:
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Late MSU researcher Min Chen contributed to new seismic tomography of the magma deposits underneath Yellowstone volcano
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When Ross Maguire was a postdoctoral researcher at Michigan State University, he wanted to study the volume and distribution of molten magma underneath the Yellowstone volcano. Maguire used a technique called seismic tom . . .
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Late MSU researcher Min Chen contributed to new seismic tomography of the magma deposits underneath Yellowstone volcano
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When Ross Maguire was a postdoctoral researcher at Michigan State University, he wanted to study the volume and distribution of molten magma underneath the Yellowstone volcano. Maguire used a technique called seismic tom . . .