CoPIRG: Transformational Producer Responsibility Law And Municipal Actions Position Colorado For Breakthrough On Statewide Recycling
November 16, 2022
November 16, 2022
DENVER, Colorado, Nov. 16 (TNSrpt) -- The Colorado Public Interest Research Group issued the following news release on Nov. 15, 2022:
Colorado's recycling and composting rate continues to hover at a low 16%, according to the sixth annual State of Recycling and Composting report by Eco-Cycle and CoPIRG. That's half the national average and significantly lower than leading Colorado cities like Loveland and Longmont with residential recycling and composting rates of 58% and 4 . . .
Colorado's recycling and composting rate continues to hover at a low 16%, according to the sixth annual State of Recycling and Composting report by Eco-Cycle and CoPIRG. That's half the national average and significantly lower than leading Colorado cities like Loveland and Longmont with residential recycling and composting rates of 58% and 4 . . .