Penn State: College of Education Grants - Nov. 9, 2022
November 10, 2022
November 10, 2022
UNIVERSITY PARK, Pennsylvania, Nov. 10 -- Penn State's College of Education issued the following news:
Learn about the most recently awarded active external research grants awarded to faculty in the College of Education.
* Allison Fleming, associate professor of education (rehabilitation and human services), is a principal investigator of a five-year project, "Project FUTURE: Focus on the Underserved in Transition Using Rehabilitation and Education" that . . .
Learn about the most recently awarded active external research grants awarded to faculty in the College of Education.
* Allison Fleming, associate professor of education (rehabilitation and human services), is a principal investigator of a five-year project, "Project FUTURE: Focus on the Underserved in Transition Using Rehabilitation and Education" that . . .