ACLU Comment on Upcoming SCOTUS Oral Arguments Challenging the Indian Child Welfare Act
November 07, 2022
November 07, 2022
CHEYENNE, Wyoming, Nov. 7 (TNSgov) -- The American Civil Liberties Union of Wyoming issued the following news release on Nov. 7, 2022:
The Supreme Court is preparing to hear oral arguments on Wednesday, Nov. 9, in Brackeen v. Haaland, a case that could gut the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) -- a law which establishes basic requirements to protect Native American children from continued forced removal from their families, tribes and tribal culture.
The American Civil Li . . .
The Supreme Court is preparing to hear oral arguments on Wednesday, Nov. 9, in Brackeen v. Haaland, a case that could gut the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) -- a law which establishes basic requirements to protect Native American children from continued forced removal from their families, tribes and tribal culture.
The American Civil Li . . .