Mich. Democratic Party: Fact Check - Special Interest Pacs Continue To Pour Money Into Michigan To Prop Up Tudor Dixon's Backwards Agenda For Michigan
October 04, 2022
October 04, 2022
LANSING, Michigan, Oct. 4 -- The Michigan Democratic Party issued the following news release on Oct. 3, 2022:
Dangerous Tudor Dixon continues to rely on special interests to sell her wrong-for-Michigan agenda. Koch-founded Americans for Prosperity is just the latest national special interest to propping her up and broadcasting her backwards vision that would harm working families.
To date, outside groups and opponents have already spent more than $16 million to push bog . . .
Dangerous Tudor Dixon continues to rely on special interests to sell her wrong-for-Michigan agenda. Koch-founded Americans for Prosperity is just the latest national special interest to propping her up and broadcasting her backwards vision that would harm working families.
To date, outside groups and opponents have already spent more than $16 million to push bog . . .