Mich. Democratic Party: Fact Check - New MIGOP Ad Tries To Paper Over Tudor Dixon's Disastrous Plan To Slash Billions From Police Budgets
October 01, 2022
October 01, 2022
LANSING, Michigan, Oct. 1 -- The Michigan Democratic Party issued the following news release:
With just 39 days to go until the general election, the MIGOP is finally coming off the sidelines to prop up DeVos sellout Tudor Dixon's wrong-for-Michigan agenda and paper over her disastrous plan to slash funding for law enforcement.
This investment from Michigan Republicans in tandem with the "kingmak[ing]" DeVos family and other outside groups and opponents h . . .
With just 39 days to go until the general election, the MIGOP is finally coming off the sidelines to prop up DeVos sellout Tudor Dixon's wrong-for-Michigan agenda and paper over her disastrous plan to slash funding for law enforcement.
This investment from Michigan Republicans in tandem with the "kingmak[ing]" DeVos family and other outside groups and opponents h . . .