MSU Anthropology Faculty Publish Research On Ancient Populations From Central Belize
September 28, 2022
September 28, 2022
EAST LANSING, Michigan, Sept. 28 (TNSres) -- Michigan State University issued the following news:
MSU Anthropology professors Gabe Wrobel and Joe Hefner recently published their collaborative research findings on ancient populations from Central Belize in the "Journal of Archaeological Sciences: Reports." Their article, "Exploring Maya population history of Central Belize from Late Preclassic to Late/Terminal Classic," focuses on an expansive moment in history th . . .
MSU Anthropology professors Gabe Wrobel and Joe Hefner recently published their collaborative research findings on ancient populations from Central Belize in the "Journal of Archaeological Sciences: Reports." Their article, "Exploring Maya population history of Central Belize from Late Preclassic to Late/Terminal Classic," focuses on an expansive moment in history th . . .