Mich. Democratic Party: GOP AG Candidate Matt DePerno Running From His Record, Ducking Questions About Illegal Voter Machine Tampering Scheme
September 24, 2022
September 24, 2022
LANSING, Michigan, Sept. 24 -- The Michigan Democratic Party issued the following news release:
"This guy, smiling for the pictures, is running to be the top law enforcement official in the state of Michigan, so why is he also running from us?"
That's a question from a CNN reporter trying to get Republican Attorney General candidate Matt DePerno to answer questions about his role in an illegal scheme to tamper with voting machines. Reporting by the Detroi . . .
"This guy, smiling for the pictures, is running to be the top law enforcement official in the state of Michigan, so why is he also running from us?"
That's a question from a CNN reporter trying to get Republican Attorney General candidate Matt DePerno to answer questions about his role in an illegal scheme to tamper with voting machines. Reporting by the Detroi . . .