Michigan Democratic Party: FACT CHECK - Dixon's Education Bill Costs Students and Parents, Governor Whitmer Supports Local Decision-Making to Support Parents and Students
September 21, 2022
September 21, 2022
LANSING, Michigan, Sept. 21 -- The Michigan Democratic Party issued the following news release:
On strict orders from the family bankrolling her campaign, DeVos sellout Tudor Dixon is pushing her crusade to decimate public education.
This is only one step of her dangerous education plan that would eliminate the federal Department of Education, implement a voucher system, and rewrite Michigan's constitution for the sole purpose of diverting taxpayer dollars to unacc . . .
On strict orders from the family bankrolling her campaign, DeVos sellout Tudor Dixon is pushing her crusade to decimate public education.
This is only one step of her dangerous education plan that would eliminate the federal Department of Education, implement a voucher system, and rewrite Michigan's constitution for the sole purpose of diverting taxpayer dollars to unacc . . .