Mich. Democratic Party: ICYMI - After Trying to Distract From Her Anti-Abortion Extremism, Desperate Dixon Was Reined in By Right to Life Michigan
September 14, 2022
September 14, 2022
LANSING, Michigan, Sept. 14 -- The Michigan Democratic Party issued the following news release:
Amid her best efforts to rip away Michiganders' rights and enforce a dangerous abortion ban, anti-choice extremist Tudor Dixon "caused some confusion" by encouraging voters to back a ballot proposal to codify a right to abortion and also vote for her. The move was so uncomfortable that Right to Life Michigan, one of the many extreme special interests bankrolling her campaig . . .
Amid her best efforts to rip away Michiganders' rights and enforce a dangerous abortion ban, anti-choice extremist Tudor Dixon "caused some confusion" by encouraging voters to back a ballot proposal to codify a right to abortion and also vote for her. The move was so uncomfortable that Right to Life Michigan, one of the many extreme special interests bankrolling her campaig . . .