Mich. Democratic Party: Continued Coverage - Michigan Workers Took DeVos Sellout Tudor Dixon to Task Over Her Shoddy Management of "Dirty" and "Nasty" Michigan Steel
September 13, 2022
September 13, 2022
LANSING, Michigan, Sept. 13 -- The Michigan Democratic Party issued the following news release on Sept. 12, 2022:
Last Friday, Michigan workers gathered in Grand Rapids to respond to an explosive Bridge Michigan deep dive exposing the devastating consequences of DeVos sellout Tudor Dixon's tenure at Michigan Steel, a non-union Muskegon foundry. On the campaign trail, Dixon has billed herself as a company executive that had a hand in "every aspect" of day-to-day operat . . .
Last Friday, Michigan workers gathered in Grand Rapids to respond to an explosive Bridge Michigan deep dive exposing the devastating consequences of DeVos sellout Tudor Dixon's tenure at Michigan Steel, a non-union Muskegon foundry. On the campaign trail, Dixon has billed herself as a company executive that had a hand in "every aspect" of day-to-day operat . . .