Wash. State Commerce Dept.: Washington State Receives $1.4M SBA Grant to Boost Small Business Exports
September 09, 2022
September 09, 2022
OLYMPIA, Washington, Sept. 9 -- The Washington State Department of Commerce issued the following news release on Sept. 8, 2022:
The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) has awarded the Washington State Department of Commerce a tenth year of funding to help state small businesses grow through exporting. The $1.4 million grant to Washington, part of the SBA's State Trade Expansion Program (STEP), is one of the two largest awarded from a total $20 million to 52 states and terr . . .
The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) has awarded the Washington State Department of Commerce a tenth year of funding to help state small businesses grow through exporting. The $1.4 million grant to Washington, part of the SBA's State Trade Expansion Program (STEP), is one of the two largest awarded from a total $20 million to 52 states and terr . . .