Mich. Economic Development Corp.: Gov. Whitmer Announces $83.8M in Statewide Grants Through the Revitalization and Placemaking Program
September 08, 2022
September 08, 2022
LANSING, Michigan, Sept. 8 -- The Michigan Economic Development Corp. issued the following news release on Sept. 7, 2022:
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer joined the Michigan Economic Development Corporation today to announce Michigan Strategic Fund approval of $83.8 million in grant funding across 22 statewide community development projects around Michigan through the Revitalization And Placemaking program. The MSF also approved support for a new multifamily project that will bring much-neede . . .
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer joined the Michigan Economic Development Corporation today to announce Michigan Strategic Fund approval of $83.8 million in grant funding across 22 statewide community development projects around Michigan through the Revitalization And Placemaking program. The MSF also approved support for a new multifamily project that will bring much-neede . . .