WATCH: MDP Kicks Off 'The diXon Files' With Video Centered on Tudor Dixon's Dangerous Election Conspiracy Theories
August 23, 2022
August 23, 2022
LANSING, Michigan, Aug. 23 -- The Michigan Democratic Party issued the following news release on Aug. 22, 2022:
The Michigan Democratic Party is kicking off 'The diXon Files,' a new video series to highlight the various pillars of DeVos sellout Tudor Dixon's wrong-for-Michigan agenda. The first 'episode' focuses on Dixon's repeated false claims that the 2020 election was stolen.
When asked to raise her hand during a primary debate if she be . . .
The Michigan Democratic Party is kicking off 'The diXon Files,' a new video series to highlight the various pillars of DeVos sellout Tudor Dixon's wrong-for-Michigan agenda. The first 'episode' focuses on Dixon's repeated false claims that the 2020 election was stolen.
When asked to raise her hand during a primary debate if she be . . .