Grand Valley State University: Medical anthropologist continues education efforts on COVID-19 vaccine, emphasizes sizable undecided group
August 19, 2022
August 19, 2022
ALLENDALE, Michigan, Aug. 19 -- Grand Valley State University issued the following news:
During a relentless pandemic when COVID-19 vaccination views can seem starkly binary into pro and anti camps, Kristin Hedges, a GVSU medical anthropologist, maintains there is a significant middle part of the population still undecided about vaccines.
That is why Hedges, associate professor of anthropology, is still dedicated to her longtime efforts to educate the public on vaccine . . .
During a relentless pandemic when COVID-19 vaccination views can seem starkly binary into pro and anti camps, Kristin Hedges, a GVSU medical anthropologist, maintains there is a significant middle part of the population still undecided about vaccines.
That is why Hedges, associate professor of anthropology, is still dedicated to her longtime efforts to educate the public on vaccine . . .