Mich. Democratic Party: DeVos Sellout Tudor Dixon Would Dismantle Public Education, Divert Funding, Hurting Michigan Students, Parents, Educators
August 12, 2022
August 12, 2022
LANSING, Michigan, Aug. 12 -- The Michigan Democratic Party issued the following news release:
For proof that DeVos sellout and special interest candidate Tudor Dixon intends to shortchange our students, parents, and teachers, look no further than her wrong-for-Michigan agenda that seeks to decimate public education as we know it.
Dixon backed a plan to cut public education funding by up to $500 million annually and sell public schools for parts, while diverting resourc . . .
For proof that DeVos sellout and special interest candidate Tudor Dixon intends to shortchange our students, parents, and teachers, look no further than her wrong-for-Michigan agenda that seeks to decimate public education as we know it.
Dixon backed a plan to cut public education funding by up to $500 million annually and sell public schools for parts, while diverting resourc . . .