Mich. Democratic Party: 'Let Michigan Kids Learn' Is Failure for Michigan's Kids
August 11, 2022
August 11, 2022
LANSING, Michigan, Aug. 11 (TNStalk) -- The Michigan Democratic Party issued the following statement on Aug. 10, 2022:
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The Michigan Democratic Party released the following statement on behalf of Chair Lavora Barnes regarding "Let MI Kids Learn" submission of petition signatures to the Michigan Bureau of Elections. Let MI Kids Learn is a DeVos-backed initiative that undermines Michigan's public education and turns private schools into tax shelters fo . . .
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The Michigan Democratic Party released the following statement on behalf of Chair Lavora Barnes regarding "Let MI Kids Learn" submission of petition signatures to the Michigan Bureau of Elections. Let MI Kids Learn is a DeVos-backed initiative that undermines Michigan's public education and turns private schools into tax shelters fo . . .