Mich. Democratic Party: Pro-Tudor Dixon PAC Ad Bankrolled by Fraudulent Ex-Gubernatorial Candidate Touts DeVos Sellout's Wrong-for-Michigan Agenda
July 30, 2022
July 30, 2022
LANSING, Michigan, July 30 -- The Michigan Democratic Party issued the following news release:
Following weeks of missteps on insider favorite Tudor Dixon's campaign, yet another outside group is pouring money into the race to attempt to prop up her flailing campaign in the final days. A PAC bankrolled by fraudulent former candidate Michael Markey is lining up to tout Tudor Dixon's wrong-for-Michigan agenda with just four days remaining of a crowded and chaotic primary. To . . .
Following weeks of missteps on insider favorite Tudor Dixon's campaign, yet another outside group is pouring money into the race to attempt to prop up her flailing campaign in the final days. A PAC bankrolled by fraudulent former candidate Michael Markey is lining up to tout Tudor Dixon's wrong-for-Michigan agenda with just four days remaining of a crowded and chaotic primary. To . . .