University of Michigan-Flint: A Win-Win - Working Together to Increase the Impact
July 27, 2022
July 27, 2022
FLINT, Michigan, July 27 (TNSres) -- The University of Michigan-Flint issued the following news:
A jointly sponsored UM-Dearborn - UM-Flint Collaborative Research Funding Program awarded up to $160,000 for four collaborative research projects.
Detroit residents are reclaiming and repurposing underused spaces for neighborhood use. They've removed tires and trash from alleyways, organized meetings to discuss community space needs, helped install rain barrels in alley . . .
A jointly sponsored UM-Dearborn - UM-Flint Collaborative Research Funding Program awarded up to $160,000 for four collaborative research projects.
Detroit residents are reclaiming and repurposing underused spaces for neighborhood use. They've removed tires and trash from alleyways, organized meetings to discuss community space needs, helped install rain barrels in alley . . .