Mich. Democratic Party: Kevin Rinke Finally Comes Clean on His 'Piss-Poor Public Policy Proposal' to Slash Billions From Critical Services, After Months of Dodging Basic Questions
July 26, 2022
July 26, 2022
LANSING, Michigan, July 26 -- The Michigan Democratic Party issued the following news release:
With just days to go before majority undecided Michigan voters select a gubernatorial Republican from the crowded field, out-of-touch millionaire Kevin Rinke is finally answering questions about a central pillar of his wrong-for-Michigan agenda - a disastrous plan to slash nearly $12 billion from the state budget.
Rinke previously had never explained how any of these "dra . . .
With just days to go before majority undecided Michigan voters select a gubernatorial Republican from the crowded field, out-of-touch millionaire Kevin Rinke is finally answering questions about a central pillar of his wrong-for-Michigan agenda - a disastrous plan to slash nearly $12 billion from the state budget.
Rinke previously had never explained how any of these "dra . . .