Mich. Democratic Party: Special Interest Alert - Koch-Founded Americans for Prosperity Is the Latest Special Interest Group to Get Behind Michigan GOP-Insider Favorite Tudor Dixon
July 23, 2022
July 23, 2022
LANSING, Michigan, July 23 -- The Michigan Democratic Party issued the following news release on July 22, 2022:
Yesterday, yet another establishment special interest group lined up behind "podcaster" and MIGOP-insider favorite Tudor Dixon. Americans for Prosperity is up with a five-figure radio ad buy to distract from her wrong-for-Michigan agenda with just 11 days left to go until the primary.
Founded by the Koch brothers, Americans for Prosperity is an " . . .
Yesterday, yet another establishment special interest group lined up behind "podcaster" and MIGOP-insider favorite Tudor Dixon. Americans for Prosperity is up with a five-figure radio ad buy to distract from her wrong-for-Michigan agenda with just 11 days left to go until the primary.
Founded by the Koch brothers, Americans for Prosperity is an " . . .