DNC: Make America Great Again Hot Mic: Michigan GOP Rep. Mike Shirkey
July 21, 2022
July 21, 2022
WASHINGTON, July 21 -- The Democratic National Committee issued the following news release on July 20, 2022:
Today's MAGA Hot Mic moment comes from the top Republican in Michigan, Senate Majority Leader Rep. Mike Shirkey.
Mike Shirkey's comments are a reminder of what's at stake in Michigan this midterm season. Republicans in Michigan and across the country are making clear they want to take away women's right to make health care decisions for themse . . .
Today's MAGA Hot Mic moment comes from the top Republican in Michigan, Senate Majority Leader Rep. Mike Shirkey.
Mike Shirkey's comments are a reminder of what's at stake in Michigan this midterm season. Republicans in Michigan and across the country are making clear they want to take away women's right to make health care decisions for themse . . .