Statement From Mich. Democratic Party Chair Lavora Barnes on This Evening's GOP Primary Debate in Grand Rapids
July 07, 2022
July 07, 2022
LANSING, Michigan, July 7 (TNStalk) -- The Michigan Democratic Party issued the following statement on July 6, 2022:
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Following the radical and chaotic Republican gubernatorial field's fifth primary debate of the 2022 cycle, MDP Chair Lavora Barnes issued the following statement.
"Between bouts of nasty infighting, the Republican gubernatorial field fought to stake out the most radical stances and again refused to offer any real solutions fo . . .
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Following the radical and chaotic Republican gubernatorial field's fifth primary debate of the 2022 cycle, MDP Chair Lavora Barnes issued the following statement.
"Between bouts of nasty infighting, the Republican gubernatorial field fought to stake out the most radical stances and again refused to offer any real solutions fo . . .