Mich. Gov. Whitmer Urges Immediate Consideration of Abortion Lawsuit After Recent County Prosecutor, Health Provider Confusion on Status of Abortion
June 28, 2022
June 28, 2022
LANSING, Michigan, June 28 -- Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, D-Michigan, issued the following news release:
Governor Gretchen Whitmer sent a notice to the Michigan Supreme Court urging them to immediately consider her lawsuit to decide if Michigan's state constitution protects the right to abortion. She sent the notice as county prosecutors and health providers misunderstood the current legal status of abortion in Michigan. While abortion remains legal in Michigan because of an injunct . . .
Governor Gretchen Whitmer sent a notice to the Michigan Supreme Court urging them to immediately consider her lawsuit to decide if Michigan's state constitution protects the right to abortion. She sent the notice as county prosecutors and health providers misunderstood the current legal status of abortion in Michigan. While abortion remains legal in Michigan because of an injunct . . .