National Association of State Energy Officials: Western State Energy Offices Release Study on Market Options for the Western Electricity Grid
September 28, 2021
September 28, 2021
ARLINGTON, Virginia, Sept. 28 (TNSRep) -- The National Association of State Energy Officials issued the following news:
At the culmination of a two-year project, the State Energy Offices of Utah, Idaho, Colorado, and Montana have released a roadmap for evaluating market expansion options in the West. Funded through the U.S. State Energy Program, the roadmap includes a technical report, which provides region-wide and state-specific technical evaluations of potential market outcomes a . . .
At the culmination of a two-year project, the State Energy Offices of Utah, Idaho, Colorado, and Montana have released a roadmap for evaluating market expansion options in the West. Funded through the U.S. State Energy Program, the roadmap includes a technical report, which provides region-wide and state-specific technical evaluations of potential market outcomes a . . .