Hispanic Federation: Congress, Biden Administration Must 'Take Action for Puerto Rico!' to Demand Parity in Benefits, Build Back Better
September 22, 2021
September 22, 2021
WASHINGTON, Sept. 22 (TNSPol) -- The Hispanic Federation issued the following news release on Sept. 20, 2021:
Four years after the devastating Hurricane Maria, which resulted in catastrophic damage to Puerto Rico, Hispanic Federation launched the Take Action for Puerto Rico! campaign in a press conference near the U.S. Capitol steps. The campaign calls on Congress to insist on federal investments that rebuild a resilient and self-sufficient Puerto Rico and treat the territory equita . . .
Four years after the devastating Hurricane Maria, which resulted in catastrophic damage to Puerto Rico, Hispanic Federation launched the Take Action for Puerto Rico! campaign in a press conference near the U.S. Capitol steps. The campaign calls on Congress to insist on federal investments that rebuild a resilient and self-sufficient Puerto Rico and treat the territory equita . . .