Rep. Miller Fights to Protect West Virginians From Inflation & Rising Gas Prices in Ways and Means Committee
September 15, 2021
September 15, 2021
WASHINGTON, Sept. 15 -- Rep. Carol Miller, R-West Virginia, issued the following news release on Sept. 14, 2021:
In a House Ways and Means Committee markup of Democrats' $3.5 trillion tax hikes and spending spree, Congresswoman Carol Miller (R-WV) introduced an amendment to protect West Virginians from rising inflation and gas prices.
Specifically, Congresswoman Miller's amendment would suspend Superfund excise taxes on gasoline for consumers when gas prices e . . .
In a House Ways and Means Committee markup of Democrats' $3.5 trillion tax hikes and spending spree, Congresswoman Carol Miller (R-WV) introduced an amendment to protect West Virginians from rising inflation and gas prices.
Specifically, Congresswoman Miller's amendment would suspend Superfund excise taxes on gasoline for consumers when gas prices e . . .