American Economic Liberties Project: Groups Urge CFPB to Protect Consumers' Financial Data as Directed by POTUS Executive Order
August 12, 2021
August 12, 2021
WASHINGTON, Aug. 12 (TNSPol) (TNScapv) -- The American Economic Liberties Project issued the following news release on Aug. 11, 2021:
In a new letter out today, 15 organizations wrote to Acting CFPB Director David Uejio, urging him to quickly execute on a directive in President Biden's Executive Order on competition policy that encourages the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to protect consumers' financial data by issuing a strong rule under Section 1033 of Dodd-Frank Wall Stree . . .
In a new letter out today, 15 organizations wrote to Acting CFPB Director David Uejio, urging him to quickly execute on a directive in President Biden's Executive Order on competition policy that encourages the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to protect consumers' financial data by issuing a strong rule under Section 1033 of Dodd-Frank Wall Stree . . .