United We Dream: We Are Home - Advocates Celebrate Inclusion of Citizenship in the Senate Budget Resolution
August 12, 2021
August 12, 2021
WASHINGTON, Aug. 12 (TNSPol) -- United We Dream issued the following news release on Aug. 11, 2021:
On a press call today, immigration policy experts, impacted individuals and advocates discussed the Senate's "Vote-A-Rama" on the budget resolution and what it means to have a path to citizenship for millions of immigrants included in the reconciliation package. Despite efforts to derail, curtail or blow up the process by Republicans, the bill advances to the next legis . . .
On a press call today, immigration policy experts, impacted individuals and advocates discussed the Senate's "Vote-A-Rama" on the budget resolution and what it means to have a path to citizenship for millions of immigrants included in the reconciliation package. Despite efforts to derail, curtail or blow up the process by Republicans, the bill advances to the next legis . . .