Children's Hospitals Praise Introduction of Helping Kids Cope and Children's Mental Health Infrastructure Acts of 2021
August 11, 2021
August 11, 2021
ALEXANDRIA, Virginia, Aug. 11 (TNSPol) -- The Children's Hospital Association issued the following news release:
Children's Hospital Association CEO Mark Wietecha praised the introduction of the Helping Kids Cope and Children's Mental Health Infrastructure Acts of 2021 by Reps. Lisa Blunt Rochester, D-Del., and Brian Fitzpatrick, R-Pa. The Helping Kids Cope Act legislation would authorize grants to support pediatric mental health care programs in communities across th . . .
Children's Hospital Association CEO Mark Wietecha praised the introduction of the Helping Kids Cope and Children's Mental Health Infrastructure Acts of 2021 by Reps. Lisa Blunt Rochester, D-Del., and Brian Fitzpatrick, R-Pa. The Helping Kids Cope Act legislation would authorize grants to support pediatric mental health care programs in communities across th . . .