Quaker Lobby Calls for the United States to Invest in Preventing Wars; Urges Presidential Candidates to Embrace 'Responsibility to Prevent'
October 09, 2008
October 09, 2008
WASHINGTON, Oct. 9 -- The Friends Committee on National Legislation issued the following news release:
The next president could save money and increase the security of the United States by rebuilding the severely neglected U.S. diplomatic infrastructure and increasing foreign development assistance focused on preventing conflicts, the Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) said today in letters sent to both major party presidential candidates and their running mates.
The next president could save money and increase the security of the United States by rebuilding the severely neglected U.S. diplomatic infrastructure and increasing foreign development assistance focused on preventing conflicts, the Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) said today in letters sent to both major party presidential candidates and their running mates.