Ralph Nader to Speak in Portland
October 02, 2008
October 02, 2008
WASHINGTON, Oct. 2 -- The presidential campaign of Ralph Nader issued the following news release:
WHO: Ralph Nader
WHAT: Press Conference and Rally
WHEN: Monday, October 6 at 7:15pm and 7:30pm, respectively
WHERE: First Parish Unitarian Universalist in Portland, Maine, 425 Congress St. Portland, ME 04101
On Monday, October 6 at 7:15pm consumer advocate and Presidential candidate Ralph Nader will host a press conference in . . .
WHO: Ralph Nader
WHAT: Press Conference and Rally
WHEN: Monday, October 6 at 7:15pm and 7:30pm, respectively
WHERE: First Parish Unitarian Universalist in Portland, Maine, 425 Congress St. Portland, ME 04101
On Monday, October 6 at 7:15pm consumer advocate and Presidential candidate Ralph Nader will host a press conference in . . .